Tuesday, 6 December 2016


This is a blog I've wanted to write for a bit now in this blog post I'll talk about my experiences of bullying before I start I won't name names because I've been told by someone who's opinions I regard highly that people can change and bullies can turn out to be nice people so maybe that might be true.

I never experienced bullying really in primary school and at my first secondary school because I knew people but when I moved to Clacton County High school is when I started to experience bullying on my first day with comments about my ears and my teeth and my weight which made me want to cry and I wanted to go back to my old school on my first week with all the horrible  name calling and I was tripped up and laughed at all the time I just use to seat at the back of the class and didn't speak to anyone and I had no friends. Year 7 was hard I only had a few friends and was still subject to name calling towards the end of the year was one of the worst things that will happen to me I just got changed for PE I was waiting outside to go into the gym when I was talking to my friends about a football match that had taken place the night before when a group of students decided to pull my PE shorts and my underwear and my private parts was exposed to my whole PE class and a group of girls who were walking past to their PE class I was horrified and never wanted to go back to school again the punishment the students was light and the students go off lightly and the effects lasted a long time, comments about my penis with my whole year group making comments the rest of year 7 was just awful name calling and now comments about my weight and now my private parts.

Year 8 was no better it turned out people don't grow up over the summer things become more physically getting punched well walking in the corridors twice in year 8 I was beaten up for trying to stand up for myself, year 9 was sort of the same the bullying did get lighter nothing serious happened. Year 10 was when it got worse the bullying was none stop it got to a point where I use to bunk school and classes fake being sick to avoid going to school I had blue tic put in my hair kicked and punched none stop, name calling like retard and Spastic relating to me have Aspergers and not acting like everyone else and for the 2nd time I had my pants pulled down but this time in a classroom, one dream of mine was to become a football referee but when people found out i got on course 3 people started to take the piss and made none stop comments, After this I first thought about taking my own life after this I asked the school to go on an education programme where I only go to school one day a week and a college one day and the rest of the time on work experience after going on the bullying moved to facebook and Xbox live.

After leaving school the bullying really stopped I wonder sometimes if the people who use to bully me every think of their actions and if they have guts to say sorry for making my life hell. Most of my time I use to dream that The Doctor a TV character from Doctor Who and the Tardis was real and I could follow the doctor in running away as you can tell I'm a huge Doctor who fan.

Sorry these blog posts are becoming once a month I'm struggling to find things to write about I hope to write when I find a subject.
You can follow me on  social media
Instagram @jakehumphries14
twitter @jakehumphries1


  1. Ahh Jake, how horriable some people can be,hopefully they have grown up and realised what they did was mean and I really do hope they have the courage to say sorry to you. It really made me upset to read how you were bullied at school. But I am so proud of the young man you have become keep up your good work enjoy reading your blogs. Sending you my love and hugs xx

  2. mate bullies follow the crowd they most likely think F1 is a dior perfume and watch chelski but only on sky `;` Bad stuff happens all life long but [ being totally honest and not making it up to make u feel better] so does good stuff .. enjoy the rollercoaster as u will find u grow up way too quick mate
