My love of trains when I was a little boy with my favourite TV show as a child Thomas the tank engine, My favourite thing to do on weekends was to ride trains on national rail or the London Underground with my nan or grandad. One time when I was about between 5-7 and I was travelling on the London Underground when we meet a jubilee line driver who let me inside his train cab which I loved every moment of it.
One of the trains I loved as a little boy was the Eurostar train and I got to finally ride it when I was about 9 on a family holiday to Disney land I also got to ride the french TGV trains which I enjoyed very much, This was when Eurostar was running out of London waterloo and before HS1 opened which I have ridden twice once from France to London in 2010 and once on the Javelin train between Stratford and London st Pancras.
The first time I got to ride a steam train was in 2006 on a family holiday in Minehead and the holiday park we were staying back onto the West Somerset Railway Heritage Railway which I believe is the longest steam railway in Britain I loved riding the steam trains on the line I think steam trains are beautiful and I hoped since then I would get to ride a steam train again.
My love for the flying Scotsman started when I was a little boy hearing stories about how fast it would travel between London and Edinburgh I dreamed one day of getting to ride her one day but sadly during most of my childhood she was being rebuilt and only came back into service last year I recently brought a canvas of the flying Scotsman travelling past the emirates stadium, I've always wanted to own the flying Scotsman train set but it's hard to get hold of.
I finally got to live my dreams to ride the Flying Scotsman on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway with a coach holiday and I was so happy the journey went by so fast I felt the line I got to ride on was beautiful scenery I wish the journey was longer I took so many pictures of the train and I even lucky enough to stand on the foot -plate and I got to look inside the cab which I loved I forget to take any pictures sadly since my phone was with the person taking my picture of me on the foot plate.
Thank you for reading this blog post I will try and upload blog posts when I feel I have something passionate to write about If you would like to see or hear what I'm doing on thinking in a small way you can follow me on social media @
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