Sunday, 25 September 2016

Asperger syndrome

As I've said in my previous post I have Asperger's syndrome which is a form of Autism according to Wikipedia (Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.)

Having a learning disability in primary school wasn't hard socially but when your move to secondary school and in my case a secondary school where I didn't know anyone was very hard I was subject to horrible insults like Idiot,Retard and spastic and being called stupid all time, These insults were hard to take they made not want to go to school, I know I acted differently to other students and having a learning support assistant in some lessons with me singled me out a bit.
Sadly a saying that I had once in the Simpsons I think kids can be cruel was true in my case.

growing up I have chosen to accept that I have a learning disability but I have lived a normal life I went to a normal state school, I apply for normal jobs never getting far then the interview stage the only advantage was sometimes companies had the two ticks scheme (The two ticks scheme  is a recognition given by Jobcentre Plus to employers based in Great Britain who have agreed to take action to meet five commitments regarding the employment, retention, training and career development of disabled employees. It is represented by the two ticks disability symbol (displayed right) that participating organisations are authorised to display.) so that's the only time has a learning disability has come in useful but I've never had successful interview due to my social skills issues.

Having my learning difficulties means I struggle to understand when someone is having a joke with or understand sarcasm or understand people facial expressions or people tone of voice, To be honest, I struggle to understand people's emotions maybe that's my Asperger's or just me as a person who knows.

I like to live my life by routine I like to walk on preferred route and having to do things a certain way or I get confused and I start overthinking things I like fo follow rules and procedures to the letter and I have Highly-focused interests like my interest in Trains and My love for Arsenal Football Club and I have an interest and a small love for  Formula one. You can learn more about Asperger syndrome from .

Thank you for reading this blog and will write more on Arsenal my small love for F1 and many more subjects when they come to my head .

You can Follow me on social media
Twitter: @JakeHumphries1
Instagram: @jakehumphries14

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